Wednesday, January 03, 2007


This is what 'someone' feels : :

"Im not falling for it. How can some powerful being control all of us? Gods just like Santa Clause for adults. Made up so well be good all year. I mean nothing is wrong with being good but god is just something to cast all your problems on. Instead of coming to real terms with things you say "It was gods doing" or whatever. Praying and such for miracles is just the lazy mans way out. Instead of trying hard to accoplish things you pray instead and wait for it to get dropped in your lap. I think its crap. I have faith and strength that i can only find in myself and no one else. Maybe Im god???"

This is what I feel ::

Can you tell how this universe came into being?Or what lies beyond the galaxies?
How did the first human come into being?From where did the first sapling orginate?
Can you stop the earth going round the sun or make it move in the reverse direction?
Can you give me lifelong health?Can you give life to a dead person?
Can you make yourself invisible?
Will you sacrifice your life, if it means saving the whole mankind?
Can you stop a volcano from erupting?
Can you tell me what life ahead has in store for me?
Will you forgive the person who killed your parents, robbed you off your life's saving or raped your sister?

If you can do all this, then "YES,you are God,because being God doesnt mean being self confident and independent.It means being all-powerful,all-knowing and ever forgiving"

A Question and an Answer

This is question put up by a 24 year old guy form Beijing,China.He belongs to the Muslim community. This was what he felt...


How many times have we heard this, a woman beaten by her husband for showing 1 inch of skin, a man shot death for not praying 6 times in the mosque or as a reward for suicide bombing you can receive 70 virgins? Worst of all, the media implied these are the laws and rules of Islam.
All of those lies have major flaws, perhaps the case is true, but it is not a part of the teaching or doctrine of the Islamic holy book.
First of all, a woman, if she is highly religious, can choose to cover her body. In fact in the free west a woman now doing so (dressing like a Muslim) might find her self a target of abuse an
spit. yes she will probably be spat on for believing and doing what she does.
How about praying? You need to pray only 5 times a day; again you can choose to do so if you are a religious person. Who said you must go to Mosque 6 times a day? Just 1 time every Friday, the equalant to the Christian Sunday, is enough for a Muslim man to go to the Mosque.
Suicide bombers... do I need to say so much? 1400 years ago when Islam was created, there weren't any suicide bombers around. Why are there so many now? Perhaps this is a difficult question for an American or Brit to answer.
The American propaganda machine adores the rule of thumb that if enough times repeat, lies will eventually become truth.
Who in this forum knows Islam? How many of those Americans even know the basic rules of Islam? How many ever even had a look at a Quran? I can tell you it will be Zero... perfect pray for the American propaganda machine.
Time for crusades! Everyone get your pitchforks and torches and let's kill some Muslims! (sarcasm)

I totally agree with what you feel.
I live in a society where there are as many number of religions and customs as there are people.I cant truthfully say that there is perfect harmony all around all the time, still it wouldnt be a lie if i say that we manage to cope up, outlive our differences and live together happily enough.Even then,we hear about outbursts of religious intolerence now and then but we manage to settle them and go on with our life.
I have both Hindu, Muslim and Christian friends.And though we believe in God and try to reach out to him in different ways,our differences end there. I have never felt that my Muslim friends are any different from others in the any way they interact or in the way they share their warmth,joys and sorrows with me.
My best friend(I know him for the past 6 years)is a Muslim.And this fact hasnt made any difference in our relationship.Infact, he is the best human being I know.
What many of us tend to forget or rather, fail to understand is that religion-belief in God-can never be the cause of evil.Evil and destruction orginates in the human mind,and religion is just an excuse to go on with the devilish scheme. There is no religion that gives us humans the right to kill,no religionthat advises us not to forgive,no religion which preaches us to take revenge...
They call it 'Jihad'-the Holy war in the name of Allah.Does the Holy Quranask its followers to kill innocent people?Has Allah asked them to shed blood?What right do they have to take life that Allah had given?Does Allah need their help to go on a war(if indeed He wants to?)Do they really respect the verses gives in the Holy Quran?Shame on them..They are a minority, still they are the black sheep in the Muslim community.Its because of them that the whole world is looking at all Muslims as terrorists,murderers and suicide bombers.. Its because of them that millions of fellow Muslims around the world have to suffer injustice,pain and shame every minute..
And Mr.Bush,a non muslim,is the worst terrorist that the world has seen.He destroyed a country.No other terrorist has made such large scale destruction.This plain fact proves that you dont have to be a Muslim to be a KILLER.